EWG’s 13th Annual Earth Day Virtual Celebration
Protect the health of our planet and our families
Celebrate Earth Day with EWG and me on April 21, 2022!
As a very proud member of The Environmental Working Group Board of Directors, I am very honored and excited to host the 13th Annual Earth Day celebration. From your own desk (or couch), I hope that you will join me and the rest of the EWG community as we learn how to live healthier lives in a healthy environment and learn about the biggest opportunities to create positive change in 2022.
For more details about our virtual celebration and to purchase tickets, visit: EWG.org/earthdinner
For a donation of just $300, click here to register and you will receive:
-Access to live Earth Day programming
-EWG custom-label wine
-A box of EWG VERIFIED favorite full size bottles of personal care products, free of chemical concern, valued at over $300
Sponsorship donations will also include: VIP box of EWG VERIFIED favorite full size bottles of personal care products, free of chemical concern, valued over $400, EWG’s custom-label Earth Day wine, access to live Q&A with EWG experts leading up to the event (priceless!), virtual hosted viewing party for the LIVE program, and more! Click here to sponsor
If you cannot join us on Earth Day, click here for other ways to support EWG!
One of my passions is to help you reduce your intake of toxic chemicals. In particular, chemicals known as endocrine disruptors (EDs) that confuse your body by crossing wires in your hormonal system, which in turn causes an increase or decrease in production of various hormones. Here are some tips to reduce your toxic load.
1. Protect your family from pesticides
EWG’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen help you navigate the produce section by listing the most and least pesticide-contaminated conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. It’s especially important to purchase organic produce for those on the Dirty Dozen list. How do you tell whether certain produce is organic? On loose fruits and vegetables, look at the PLU sticker to check if the produce is organic. The produce is organic if the five-digit PLU code begins with a “9”. EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.
2. Reduce Plastic
Many plastics contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a serious concern; make sure plastic containers and canned goods are BPA-free. Stick with glass or stainless steel for cooking, baking, and food storage, and switch to a safe, reusable water bottle. Buy products that come in glass bottles rather than plastic or canned, since chemicals can leach out of plastics and into the contents.
EWG’s 5 Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic BPA.
3. Eat Organic — ESPECIALLY Meat + Fish
Buy and eat organic produce and free-range, organic meats to reduce your exposure to added hormones, pesticides, and fertilizers. Rather than eating conventional or farm-raised fish, which are often heavily contaminated with PCBs and mercury, choose fish that is wild-caught and (if possible) lab-tested for purity. With dairy, it’s wise to avoid non-organic products as they normally contain the genetically engineered recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST).
EWG’s quick tips for reducing your diet’s climate footprint
4. Upgrade Your Personal Care Products
Avoid antibacterial soaps, and any products that contain phthalates or parabens. Also beware of sweet-smelling shampoos and body washes; they’re full of synthetic fragrance that can come complete with a big dose of EDs! If you want real fragrance, look for products scented with essential oils, or add your own.
EWG Verified personal care products
5. Keep It Clean
Buy a high-quality, high-power vacuum, preferably one with a HEPA filter that also seals in dirt and dust to help minimize your exposure when emptying the collection chamber. Turns out household dust / dirt is thought to be one of the biggest sources of daily ED exposure. EWG’s Healthy Living: Home Guide
6. Go Green in Your Bedroom
Synthetic materials in mattresses, pillows, and bedding are often full of EDs. By switching out your bed and bedding with organic counterparts free of flame retardants, you’re safeguarding yourself from sleeping in a toxic cloud. EWG’s Healthy Living: Mattress Guide
I look forward to “seeing you” virtually at the EWG’s 13th annual Earth Day Dinner on April 21, 2022. Click here to register. And if you cannot attend, I encourage you to click here to buy a ticket and get a box full of goodies free of toxic chemicals.
Your donation supports EWG’s original research and investigations that empower you to live healthier lives in a healthier environment!
Please enjoy over 450 FREE receipes I have put together with my favorite immune supporting foods!
Have questions? Follow me on Instagram @KarenMalkinHealth or email support@karenmalkin.com
To your good health,